Forestal León
About Us
We are a forestry and lumber company, located in Coelemu, Region of Ñuble .
We seek to take advantage of in an integral, renewable and sustainable way, the forests we form, handle and process in our
Industrial Plant, obtaining high quality products, aimed at the most demanding markets and customers in the world.
We want to create added value to our products, while contributing to the development of our surroundings and we provide quality of life for the people who are part of our company.
Forestal León’s origin dates back to 1957, when Celso Viñuela García was 24 years old and arrived in Chile from Province of Leon in Spain.
At the beginning he worked as an employee but then he dedicated himself to commerce, until in 1973 he bought a barrack located in San Bernardo, Metropolitan Region, thus began what would become Comercial Viñuela S.A.
Wood was his business, he bought sawn thick bases, which were processed, planed and finally marketed among his clients.
In 1991 Don Celso and his sons formed Forestal Leon Ltda., with the aim of buying forests and supply the barrack in Santiago.
In 2012 Energía León S.A. was created, which generates steam
electricity from all the waste produced by forests and industry during
their processes, to supply its own facilities, and to provide electricity
to the surrounding communities.
Today, one of the main goals of Forestal Leon is to give added value
to its wood products, upholding a comprehensive vision in the good
use of resources, creating value in its environment and in the
people’s quality of life who are part of the company, which began as a
family dream, in those times in San Bernardo.

Forestal Leon Limitada is a forestry and lumber company that seeks to create value through the integral and renewable use of the forests that plants and processes, ensuring a process of permanent and sustainable improvement in obtaining high-quality products that satisfy our clients demands in the national and international trade and, which, in turn cause value, development and quality of life for its environment and members of the company, according to a comprehensive vision in the good use of resources, and high standards certification that govern us.
We are aiming to be an innovative and comprehensive forestry and lumber company. To be the best company for our clients, suppliers and collaborators and to be recognized for the quality of our products and for the sustainability of our forest heritage.

In Forestal Leon we are commitment to quality and excellence, through an operation of our sustainable and responsible activities with the environment and the community, developed in operations and processes with the highest standards of safety and quality, and in a constant search to add value to the products for our customers.
At Forestal Leon we are committed to sustainable production and sustainable development of our commercial activity.
Since the small pine is planted until it gets a healthy forest of robust trees, and even after the production and elaboration of the different products, Forestal León is continually searching a greater sustainability.
Each person who works in Forestal León has a strong commitment to quality and excellence, aware that they are essential to the
This is translated in each of our processes, in being an innovative, integral and sustainable, recognized for offering high quality products.
High performance
All our processes have the highest productivity and safety standards.
That motivation and responsibility of each of the workers is what gives the company strength.
The human group that has been trained in Forestal León has led this timber industry to the position in which it is today. Without them, nothing would be the same, because everyone’s goal is only one: to be the best Forestry in the world.
High added value
The technology applied to wood generates friendly, economical and renewable products.
The final product, wood, panels and laminated products are pieces of high resistance, stability and beauty, which allows us to load our shipments with confidence, and take them to different clients in many parts of the planet, thus connecting Coelemu with the five continents.